关杰耀 教授

作者:研究生处 时间:2020-04-24 点击数:


关杰耀,男,教授,博士,硕士研究生导师。现任广西北部湾海洋生物多样性养护重点实验室(金宝搏官网止 )主任。主要从事海洋珍稀生物资源与栖息地保护方面的研究。先后主持国家自然科学基金青年基金1项、地区基金1项,自治区自然科学基金青年基金1项。以第一(并列)或通讯作者在《环境管理》(Journal of Environmental Management),整合动物学(Integrative Zoology),生物多样性与保护(Biodiversity & Conservation)等国际著名期刊发表研究论文21篇。入选八桂青年学者、广西高校引进海外高层次人才“百人计划”、广西高层次E类人才;获得2018年全国水生野生动物保护“海昌技术奖”,2019年钦州市五一劳动奖章。目前担任的学术及社会兼职包括世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)鲎专家组指导委员会委员,同时兼任该委员会亚太区鲎工作组和自然教育工作组联合主席,国际学术期刊《海洋科学前沿》(Frontiers in Marine Sciences)客座副主编和评审编委、施普林格(Springer)专著副主编等。








2016年12月—2018年12月,金宝搏官网止 工作,助理研究员

2018年12月—2020年12月,金宝搏官网止 工作,副研究员

2020年12月—至今,金宝搏官网止 工作,教授















[1]Kwan BKY,Chan AKY, Cheung SG, Shin PKS*. 2014. Hemolymph quality as indicator of health status in juvenile Chinese horseshoe crabTachypleus tridentatus(Xiphosura) under laboratory culture.Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology457:135–142 (SCI)

[2]Kwan BKY, Chan AKY, Cheung SG, Shin PKS*. 2015. Responses of growth and hemolymph quality in juvenile Chinese horseshoe crabTachypleus tridentatus(Xiphosura) to sublethal tributyltin and cadmium. Ecotoxicology 24:1880–1895 (SCI)

[3]Kwan BKY, Cheung SG, Shin PKS*. 2015. A dual stable isotope study for diet composition of juvenile Chinese horseshoe crabTachypleus tridentatus(Xiphosura) on a seagrass‑covered intertidal mudflat.Marine Biology162:1137–1143 (SCI)

[4]Kwan BKY, Hsieh HL, Cheung SG, Shin PKS*. 2016. Present population and habitat status of potentially threatened Asian horseshoe crabsTachypleus tridentatusandCarcinoscorpius rotundicaudain Hong Kong: a proposal for marine protected area.Biodiversity and Conservation25:673–692 (SCI)

[5]Kwan BKY#, Cheung JHY#, Law ACK, Cheung SG, Shin PKS*. 2017. Conservation education program for threatened Asian horseshoe crabs: a step towards reducing community apathy to environmental conservation.Journal for Nature Conservation35: 53–65 (SCI)

[6]Kwan BKY, Chan AKY, Cheung SG, Shin PKS*. 2017. Marine microalgae as dietary supplements in the culture of juvenile Chinese horseshoe crabs,Tachypleus tridentatus(Xiphosura).Aquaculture Research48:3910–3924 (SCI)

[7]Kwan BKY, Chan HK, Cheung SG*. 2018. Habitat use of globally threatened juvenile Chinese horseshoe crab,Tachypleus tridentatusunder the influence of simulated intertidal oyster culture structures in Hong Kong.Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems28:124–132 (SCI)

[8]Kwan BKY#, Cheung SG#, Chan AKY, Shin PKS*. 2018. Trophic and growth baseline of dominant subtidal gastropods in contrasting subtropical marine environments.Marine Pollution Bulletin127:396–405 (SCI)

[9]Kwan BKY, Un VKY, Cheung SG, Shin PKS*. 2018. Horseshoe crabs as potential sentinel species for coastal health: juvenile hemolymph quality and relationship to habitat conditions.Marine and Freshwater Research69:894–905 (SCI)

[10] Liao YY, Hsieh HY, Xu SQ, Zhong QP, Lei J, Liang M, Fang H, Xu LL, Lin WY, Xiao XB, Chen CP, Cheung SG,Kwan BKY*. 2019. Wisdom of Crowds reveals clear decline of Asian horseshoe crabs in Beibu Gulf, China.Oryx53(2):222–229 (SCI)

[11]Kwan BKY#, Hu MH#, Wang YJ, Cheung SG, Shin PKS*. 2019. Fatty acids from controlled feeding as dietary markers of juvenile Chinese horseshoe crab,Tachypleus tridentatus.Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom99(2):421–428 (SCI)

[12] Fu YJ#, Huang SY#, Wang CC, Su MD, Wang XP, Xu Peng, …,Kwan KY*. 2019. Sociodemographic drivers and public perceptions of consumption and conservation of Asian horseshoe crabs in northern Beibu Gulf, China.Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems29:1268–1277 (SCI)

[13] Liao YY#, Xu PW#,Kwan KY#, Ma ZY#, Fang HY#, Yang J, ..., Zhang Chi*, Liu JX*, Han JF*. 2019. Draft genomic and transcriptome resources for marine chelicerateTachypleus tridentatus.Scientific Data6:190029 (SCI)

[14] Liao YY, Liu K, Wu HP, Xu YH, Huang H, Shu SQ,Kwan KY*. 2019. How survival and food intake of tri-spine horseshoe crabs,Tachypleus tridentatusrespond to thermal variation: implications for understanding its distribution limit.Journal of Natural History, 53(31–32):1951–1960 (SCI)

[15] Wang CC, Huang SL, Wang XP, Xu P, Huang X, Liao YY, Xie XY,Kwan KY*. 2019. Conserving the understudied invertebrates: a call for a systematic monitoring protocol for Asian horseshoe crabs in nursery habitats. Endangered Species Research 40:369–373 (SCI)

[16] Xie XY#, Wu Z#, Wang CC#, Fu YJ, Wang XP, Xu P, Huang X, Liao YY, Huang SL,Kwan KY*. 2020. Nursery habitat for Asian horseshoe crabs along the northern Beibu Gulf, China: Implications for conservation management under baseline gaps.Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems30:260–272 (SCI)


[18]Kwan KY, Wong WT, Lam PY, Chan HK, Lo HS, Cheung SG*. 2020. Effects of rubble zones from oyster cultivation on habitat utilization and foraging behaviour of the endangered tri-spine horseshoe crab: An implication for intertidal oyster cultivation practices.Journal of Environmental Management271:110925 (SCI)

[19]Kwan KY#, Bopp J#, Huang S, Chen Q, Wang CC, Wang X, Zhen W, Zhu J, Huang X*. 2020. Ontogenetic resource use and trophic dynamics of endangered juvenileTachypleus tridentatusamong diversified nursery habitats in the northern Beibu Gulf, China.Integrative Zoology(in press)

[20] Wang CC,Kwan KY*, Shin PKS, Cheung SG, Itaya S, Iwasaki Y, Cai L, Mohamad F, Fozi NF, Zauki NAM, Raman NJA, Chatterji A, Tripathy B, Sajan S, Min WW, Tan L, Supadminingsih FN, Wardiatno Y, Hsieh HL. 2020. Future of Asian horseshoe crab conservation under explicit baseline gaps: A global perspective.Global Ecology and Conservation24:e01373 (SCI)

[21] Xu P, Bai HM Xie X, Wang CC, Huang X, Wang X, Zhang M, Ye Z, Zhu J, Zhen W, Cheung SG, Shin PKS, Kwan KY. 2021. Tri-spine horseshoe crab aquaculture, ranching and stock enhancement: Perspectives and Challenges. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:608155 (SCI)


[1] 关杰耀; 符益健; 廖永岩; 吴宙; 周志伟; 成安桐; 陈子丰. 中国鲎幼体仿生态养殖装置. 实用新型专利, 2019-04-26, ZL201821334591.6.

[2] 关杰耀;颉晓勇;周海超;廖永岩;符益健;黄淑燕;况洋;吴宙;陈俏;邓萌.一种中国鲎苗种的科学放流方法.发明专利,2021-03-03, ZL201811135540.5.




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